Para Reunion Club
site is for the benefit of all members serving or ex serving
members of 3 Para Reunion Club, also any attached arms,
wives and partners. The Club is not aligned to any political
party or association and is independently run and organised
by a constitution and committee. However, most of our
members are life members of the Parachute Regimental Association
(PRA) due to being Ex Serving members of the Parachute
Regiment. Our membership is growing each year and our
current registered members is 350 strong, this is representative
of All Ranks. |
Carroll (Para)
Para Reunion Club was formed by a few ex serving members
of the 3rd Battalion, with the first ever reunion being
held in Hereford in 1992. Since then the membership has
grown year in year out. At Pudsey West Yorkshire in 1994
the club was officially established with a Club Constitution
being agreed and Officials elected. The Club is run and
administered by the committee and an Annual General Meeting
(AGM) is held each year prior to the clubs reunion event.
Since our initial reunion in Hereford we have travelled
North & South, as the members attending are from the
whole of the UK. Members have also travelled from afar,
which includes the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany &
Spain just to mention a few. We hope to continue growing
and with this in mind we ask you to pass this information
about this site on to your old mates and comrades. |
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